Marvel Avengers Academy

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for modeling and textures

responsible for textures

responsible for textures

Here are some of the characters that I had the opportunity to work in 2017 for the mobile game "Marvel Avengers Academy" by TinyCo. All of the characters were a team effort at Neko Productions.
In some of the characters the face and hands were painted or modeled by other artist and re-used on other characters.
You can learn more about the game here :